Thursday, August 27, 2015

First Weeks of School!

Good afternoon,

As you know, the school year is off and rolling!  Each year, learners enter our buildings filled with hope and possibility.  As my colleagues and I visit schools, programs, and events, we're reminded of how special our learning community really is.  Many of us in central office, including myself, spent quite a few years in other school districts.  While they were each excellent districts, we can each speak to the intentional and tangible care, that is given to children as learners and as people (if they could really be separated) in the Webster Groves School District.  I promise - it is unique and special!

I wanted to update you on a few items that relate to the office of curriculum and instruction.

Back to School Event
This year, families and community members were invited to welcome our staff back to school at our annual district kickoff event!  On behalf of all my district colleagues, I want to say "thank you" to each of you who came to cheer, hug, and ring cow bells for all our dedicated staff!  I hope that next year our crowd grows even larger!

MAP Results
Please click here to read a letter regarding the 2014-15 state assessments and future related information.

Phil Wojak - Peabody Award
Last night, WGHS physics teacher, Phil Wojak, was recognized with a Peabody Leader in Education Award.  Congratulations, Mr. Wojak!

Committee Sign-Up
If you are interested in participating on a district committee, please click here by September 2 in order to express interest!

Each child, Each day....John