Friday, September 4, 2015

Learning in the WGSD!

Good Afternoon,

There are many reasons why the Webster Groves School District is such a special place, and one main reason is the priority that we place on learners and their learning.  No matter your size, age, or role within our district community, you are seen and valued as a learner.  Here are a few pictures that highlight our learners in action, constructing knowledge from their experiences.

At the WAFC, this child uses her hands to determine the size of the marbles, and experiments with the different sounds created when they collide.

Three WGHS students collaborate on a paper within a space in the library that high school students designed for such collaboration.

Third grade teachers from across the district engaged in reflective dialogue centered on the concepts from the "Collaborative Report."

A number of staff including myself participated in our district's weekly twitter chat initiated by some of our wonderful staff at Hixson Middle School.

While I don't have photos of the experience, I also wanted to share that building and several district administrators (including Dr. Riss, Supt. of Schools) spent a Thursday morning visiting several classrooms across the district to observe our wonderful teachers in action and to continue to work on implementing our teacher evaluation with fidelity.

While learning is certainly ubiquitous, the adults in the WGSD work hard to design relevant, challenging, and rewarding learning opportunities (and spaces for) for both the children they serve and themselves!

Each child, Each day....John

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