Friday, April 19, 2013

The "Space" to Learn...

Good evening,

With few exceptions, each Wednesday I spend the better part of the morning in one of our schools.  It’s important for me to “stay close” to students and their learning as well as nurture meaningful and purposeful relationships with administrators and their staffs.    

High-quality learning is both rigorous and relational, and is observable each day to anyone who spends time with the children and staff at the Walter Ambrose Family Center.  While meeting with Marty Baker and Merlene Gilb this past Wednesday, they spent some time (as they always do) “lifting up” the amazing children and staff of the WAFC.  One of these “highlights” was the video below which shows two young boys sharing a story with one another.   

The children in the video were purposefully given the space to authentically engage in this learning together.  While not being traditionally taught or led by the adult(s) in the moment, these two children demonstrate both understanding of and competency with a variety of reading standards (outcomes) at both the early childhood and elementary levels including the new K-12 common core state standards.  The teacher, utilizing the “PATH” process developed by the staff at the WAFC Preschool, is nearby so that she may observe, listen, and document the learning being demonstrated.  The teacher will then use what she has witnessed and recorded to provide spaces and opportunities for these children to learn in a manner that is responsive, caring, and natural. 

Please enjoy this beautiful moment, so full of high-quality learning!
Each child, Each day....John


  1. I have been thinking about a project I'm calling Life Portolio -- for parents (initially) and then kids (when they are able) to take over. The value added of this project would be to SYSTEMATICALLY collect longitudinal video images of a child's development, including annual or six month interviews with/of the kid. A pilot group (including you) could begin such a project any time -- though I think May (end of school year) is a good/important time. Let me know if you want to discuss.

  2. The Ambrose Family Center Preschool provides an enriching learning environment that fosters emotional, social, and early academic skill development. I am so delighted that my little guy has had a wonderful beginning in the most lovely preschool. And, I am a proud momma!
    --Noah's Mom
